An expert consortium review of the EC-commissioned report "alternative (Non-Animal) methods for cosmetics testing: current status and future prospects - 2010".
Influence of coefficient of variation in determining significant difference of quantitative values obtained from 28-day repeated-dose toxicity studies in rats.
化学物質の安全性 -in silico評価への挑戦.
Diabetes enhances dental caries and apical periodontitis in caries-susceptible WBN/KobSlc rats.
Testicular gonadoblastoma in two pet domestic rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus).
Inferior ectopia pupil and typical ocular coloboma in RCS rats.
Gastric mucosal changes induced by polyethylene glycol 400 administered by gavage in rats.
Preparation and in vitro/in vivo evaluations of dimpled poly(L-lactic acid) fibers mixed/coated with hydroxyapatite nanocrystals.
農薬登録に必要な安全性試験-in vivo 試験