Reflections on the development of micronucleus assays.
Micronucleus assays in rodent tissues other than bone marrow.
Flow cytometric scoring of micronucleated erythrocytes: an efficient platform for assessing in vivo cytogenetic damage.
Micronucleus assay in aquatic animals.
Summary of major conclusions from the 5th IWGT, Basel, Switzerland, 17-19 August 2009.
Guidance for understanding solubility as a limiting factor for selecting the upper test concentration in the OECD in vitro micronucleus assay test guideline no. 487.
Strategies in case of positive in vivo results in genotoxicity testing.
Compilation and use of genetic toxicity historical control data.
Comparison of in vitro micronucleus and gene mutation assay results for p53-competent versus p53-deficient human lymphoblastoid cells.
Name of AOP: hemolytic anemia induced by anilines and nephrotoxicity induced by 4-aminophenols (Annex 8 in Report of the Workshop on Using Mechanistic Information in Forming Chemical Categories).