The evaluation of spheroid culture of human hepatocytes for drug-induced hepatotoxicity
特異な組織像を示したマウスの卵巣胚細胞腫瘍の2例 Ovarian Germ Cell Tumors with Unusual Histopathological Feature in Two Mice
Combination of Multi-tissue Micronucleus Assay and Gene Mutation Assay: Simultaneous Detection of Multi-tissue Micronucleus Inducibility and Gene Mutation in Gpt Delta Transgenic Rats
Effects of Ethyl Methanesulfonate on DNA Damage of Uterine Mucosa in Rats
:Collaboration study on eye irritation alternative method with human corneal model; LabCyte CORNEA-MODEL24
ラット発生毒性試験の背景データ1 1994-2000 年の Crlj:CD(SD)系統の背景データ
ヒメダカの頭部腫瘍(10%中性緩衝ホルマリン固定 HE標本)追加発表